-- Add migration script here CREATE TABLE date ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL, subtitle TEXT NOT NULL, start_time DATETIME NOT NULL, end_time DATETIME NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO date (id, name, subtitle, start_time, end_time) VALUES ( 1, 'OS 2023', '2023', '2023-02-28 12:00:00', '2023-02-28 18:00:00' ); -- Create a temporary table CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_appointment_slots AS SELECT * FROM appointment_slots; DROP TABLE appointment_slots; -- Recreate the appointments table with the new column and foreign key constraint CREATE TABLE appointment_slots ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, start_time DATETIME NOT NULL, end_time DATETIME NOT NULL, date_id INTEGER DEFAULT 1 Not NULL, -- Add the new column FOREIGN KEY (date_id) REFERENCES date(id) -- Add the foreign key constraint ); -- Insert data back into the new appointments table from the temporary table INSERT INTO appointment_slots SELECT *, 1 FROM temp_appointment_slots; -- Drop the temporary table DROP TABLE temp_appointment_slots; CREATE TABLE teacher_dates ( teacher_id INTEGER NOT NULL, date_id INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (teacher_id, date_id), FOREIGN KEY (teacher_id) REFERENCES teachers(id), FOREIGN KEY (date_id) REFERENCES date(id) ); INSERT INTO teacher_dates (teacher_id, date_id) SELECT teachers.id AS teacher_id, date.id AS date_id FROM teachers, date;