
357 lines
12 KiB

// use assert_cmd::prelude::*; // Add methods on commands
// use predicates::prelude::*;
// use std::process::Command; // Used for writing assertions
// use shared::datatypes::Secret;
// #[test]
// fn test_help_of_command_for_breaking_changes() {
// let output = test_bin::get_test_bin("pslink")
// .output()
// .expect("Failed to start pslink");
// assert!(String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout).contains("USAGE"));
// let output = test_bin::get_test_bin("pslink")
// .args(&["--help"])
// .output()
// .expect("Failed to start pslink");
// let outstring = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout);
// let args = &[
// "USAGE",
// "-h",
// "--help",
// "-b",
// "-e",
// "-i",
// "-p",
// "-t",
// "-u",
// "runserver",
// "create-admin",
// "generate-env",
// "migrate-database",
// "help",
// ];
// for s in args {
// assert!(
// outstring.contains(s),
// "{} was not found in the help - this is a breaking change",
// s
// );
// }
// }
// #[test]
// fn test_generate_env() {
// use std::io::BufRead;
// let tmp_dir = tempdir::TempDir::new("pslink_test_env").expect("create temp dir");
// let output = test_bin::get_test_bin("pslink")
// .args(&["generate-env", "--secret", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw"])
// .current_dir(&tmp_dir)
// .output()
// .expect("Failed to start pslink");
// let envfile = tmp_dir.path().join(".env");
// let dbfile = tmp_dir.path().join("links.db");
// println!("{}", envfile.display());
// println!("{}", dbfile.display());
// println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout));
// assert!(envfile.exists(), "No .env-file was created!");
// assert!(dbfile.exists(), "No database-file was created!");
// let envfile = std::fs::File::open(envfile).unwrap();
// let envcontent: Vec<Result<String, _>> = std::io::BufReader::new(envfile).lines().collect();
// assert!(
// envcontent
// .iter()
// .any(|s| s.as_ref().unwrap().starts_with("PSLINK_PORT=")),
// "Failed to find PSLINK_PORT in the generated .env file."
// );
// assert!(
// envcontent
// .iter()
// .any(|s| s.as_ref().unwrap().starts_with("PSLINK_SECRET=")),
// "Failed to find PSLINK_SECRET in the generated .env file."
// );
// assert!(
// !envcontent.iter().any(|s| {
// let r = s.as_ref().unwrap().contains("***SECRET***");
// r
// }),
// "It seems that a censored secret was used in the .env file."
// );
// assert!(
// envcontent.iter().any(|s| {
// let r = s.as_ref().unwrap().contains("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw");
// r
// }),
// "The secret has not made it into the .env file!"
// );
// let output = test_bin::get_test_bin("pslink")
// .args(&["generate-env"])
// .current_dir(&tmp_dir)
// .output()
// .expect("Failed to start pslink");
// let second_out = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout);
// assert!(!second_out.contains("secret"));
// }
// #[actix_rt::test]
// async fn test_migrate_database() {
// use std::io::Write;
// #[derive(serde::Serialize, Debug)]
// pub struct Count {
// pub number: i32,
// }
// let tmp_dir = tempdir::TempDir::new("pslink_test_env").expect("create temp dir");
// // generate .env file
// let _output = test_bin::get_test_bin("pslink")
// .args(&["generate-env"])
// .current_dir(&tmp_dir)
// .output()
// .expect("Failed generate .env");
// // migrate the database
// let output = test_bin::get_test_bin("pslink")
// .args(&["migrate-database"])
// .current_dir(&tmp_dir)
// .output()
// .expect("Failed to migrate the database");
// println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout));
// // check if the users table exists by counting the number of admins.
// let db_pool = sqlx::pool::Pool::<sqlx::sqlite::Sqlite>::connect(
// &tmp_dir.path().join("links.db").display().to_string(),
// )
// .await
// .expect("Error: Failed to connect to database!");
// let num = sqlx::query_as!(Count, "select count(*) as number from users where role = 2")
// .fetch_one(&db_pool)
// .await
// .unwrap();
// // initially no admin is present
// assert_eq!(num.number, 0, "Failed to create the database!");
// // create a new admin
// let mut input = test_bin::get_test_bin("pslink")
// .args(&["create-admin"])
// .current_dir(&tmp_dir)
// .stdin(std::process::Stdio::piped())
// .stdout(std::process::Stdio::piped())
// .spawn()
// .expect("Failed to migrate the database");
// let mut procin = input.stdin.take().unwrap();
// procin.write_all(b"test\n").unwrap();
// procin.write_all(b"test@mail.test\n").unwrap();
// procin.write_all(b"testpw\n").unwrap();
// let r = input.wait().unwrap();
// println!("Exitstatus is: {}", r);
// println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout));
// let num = sqlx::query_as!(Count, "select count(*) as number from users where role = 2")
// .fetch_one(&db_pool)
// .await
// .unwrap();
// // now 1 admin is there
// assert_eq!(num.number, 1, "Failed to create an admin!");
// }
// async fn run_server() {
// use std::io::Write;
// #[derive(serde::Serialize, Debug)]
// pub struct Count {
// pub number: i32,
// }
// let tmp_dir = tempdir::TempDir::new("pslink_test_env").expect("create temp dir");
// // generate .env file
// let _output = Command::cargo_bin("pslink")
// .expect("Failed to get binary executable")
// .args(&["generate-env", "--secret", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw"])
// .current_dir(&tmp_dir)
// .output()
// .expect("Failed generate .env");
// // migrate the database
// let output = Command::cargo_bin("pslink")
// .args(&["migrate-database"])
// .current_dir(&tmp_dir)
// .output()
// .expect("Failed to migrate the database");
// // create a database connection.
// let db_pool = sqlx::pool::Pool::<sqlx::sqlite::Sqlite>::connect(
// &tmp_dir.path().join("links.db").display().to_string(),
// )
// .await
// .expect("Error: Failed to connect to database!"); // create a new admin
// let mut input = test_bin::get_test_bin("pslink")
// .args(&["create-admin"])
// .current_dir(&tmp_dir)
// .stdin(std::process::Stdio::piped())
// .stdout(std::process::Stdio::piped())
// .spawn()
// .expect("Failed to migrate the database");
// let mut procin = input.stdin.take().unwrap();
// procin.write_all(b"test\n").unwrap();
// procin.write_all(b"test@mail.test\n").unwrap();
// procin.write_all(b"testpw\n").unwrap();
// let r = input.wait().unwrap();
// println!("Exitstatus is: {}", r);
// println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout));
// let num = sqlx::query_as!(Count, "select count(*) as number from users where role = 2")
// .fetch_one(&db_pool)
// .await
// .unwrap();
// // now 1 admin is there
// assert_eq!(
// num.number, 1,
// "Failed to create an admin! See previous tests!"
// );
// let server_config = pslink::ServerConfig {
// secret: Secret::new("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw".to_string()),
// db: std::path::PathBuf::from("links.db"),
// db_pool,
// public_url: "localhost:8080".to_string(),
// internal_ip: "localhost".to_string(),
// port: 8080,
// protocol: pslink::Protocol::Http,
// empty_forward_url: "".to_string(),
// brand_name: "Pslink".to_string(),
// };
// let server = pslink::main::webservice(server_config);
// let _neveruse = tokio::spawn(server);
// }
// #[actix_rt::test]
// async fn test_web_paths() {
// run_server().await;
// // We need to bring in `reqwest`
// // to perform HTTP requests against our application.
// let client = reqwest::Client::builder()
// .cookie_store(true)
// .redirect(reqwest::redirect::Policy::none())
// .build()
// .unwrap();
// // Act
// let response = client
// .get("http://localhost:8080/")
// .send()
// .await
// .expect("Failed to execute request.");
// // The basic redirection is working!
// assert!(response.status().is_redirection());
// let location = response.headers().get("location").unwrap();
// assert!(location.to_str().unwrap().contains("github"));
// // Act
// let response = client
// .get("http://localhost:8080/admin/login/")
// .send()
// .await
// .expect("Failed to execute request.");
// // The Loginpage is reachable and contains a password field!
// assert!(response.status().is_success());
// let content = response.text().await.unwrap();
// assert!(
// content.contains(r#"<input type="password"#),
// "No password field was found!"
// );
// // Act
// let formdata = &[("username", "test"), ("password", "testpw")];
// let response = client
// .post("http://localhost:8080/admin/login/")
// .form(formdata)
// .send()
// .await
// .expect("Failed to execute request.");
// // It is possible to login
// assert!(response.status().is_redirection());
// let location = response.headers().get("location").unwrap();
// assert_eq!("/admin/index/", location.to_str().unwrap());
// assert!(
// response.headers().get("set-cookie").is_some(),
// "A auth cookie is not set even though authentication succeeds"
// );
// // After login this should return a redirect
// let response = client
// .get("http://localhost:8080/admin/login/")
// .send()
// .await
// .expect("Failed to execute request.");
// // The Loginpage redirects to link index when logged in
// assert!(
// response.status().is_redirection(),
// "/admin/login/ is not redirecting correctly when logged in!"
// );
// let location = response.headers().get("location").unwrap();
// assert_eq!("/admin/index/", location.to_str().unwrap());
// // After login this should return a redirect
// let response = client
// .get("http://localhost:8080/admin/index/")
// .send()
// .await
// .expect("Failed to execute request.");
// // The Loginpage redirects to link index when logged in
// assert!(
// response.status().is_success(),
// "Could not access /admin/index/"
// );
// let content = response.text().await.unwrap();
// assert!(
// content.contains(r#"<a href="/admin/logout/">"#),
// "No Logout Button was found on /admin/index/!"
// );
// // Act title=haupt&target=http%3A%2F%2Fdas.geht%2Fjetzt%2F&code=tpuah
// let formdata = &[
// ("title", "haupt"),
// ("target", "https://das.geht/jetzt/"),
// ("code", "tpuah"),
// ];
// let response = client
// .post("http://localhost:8080/admin/submit/")
// .form(formdata)
// .send()
// .await
// .expect("Failed to execute request.");
// // It is possible to login
// assert!(response.status().is_redirection());
// let location = response.headers().get("location").unwrap();
// assert_eq!("/admin/view/link/tpuah", location.to_str().unwrap());
// // Act
// let response = client
// .get("http://localhost:8080/tpuah")
// .send()
// .await
// .expect("Failed to execute request.");
// // The basic redirection is working!
// assert!(response.status().is_redirection());
// let location = response.headers().get("location").unwrap();
// assert!(location
// .to_str()
// .unwrap()
// .contains("https://das.geht/jetzt/"));
// }