use assert_cmd::prelude::*; // Add methods on commands use reqwest::header::HeaderMap; use std::{ collections::HashMap, io::Read, process::{Child, Command}, }; #[test] fn test_help_of_command_for_breaking_changes() { let output = test_bin::get_test_bin("pslink") .output() .expect("Failed to start pslink"); assert!(String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout).contains("USAGE")); let output = test_bin::get_test_bin("pslink") .args(&["--help"]) .output() .expect("Failed to start pslink"); let outstring = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout); let args = &[ "USAGE", "-h", "--help", "-b", "-e", "-i", "-p", "-t", "-u", "runserver", "create-admin", "generate-env", "migrate-database", "help", ]; for s in args { assert!( outstring.contains(s), "{} was not found in the help - this is a breaking change", s ); } } #[test] fn test_generate_env() { use std::io::BufRead; let tmp_dir = tempdir::TempDir::new("pslink_test_env").expect("create temp dir"); let output = test_bin::get_test_bin("pslink") .args(&["generate-env", "--secret", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw"]) .current_dir(&tmp_dir) .output() .expect("Failed to start pslink"); let envfile = tmp_dir.path().join(".env"); let dbfile = tmp_dir.path().join("links.db"); println!("{}", envfile.display()); println!("{}", dbfile.display()); println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout)); assert!(envfile.exists(), "No .env-file was created!"); assert!(dbfile.exists(), "No database-file was created!"); let envfile = std::fs::File::open(envfile).unwrap(); let envcontent: Vec> = std::io::BufReader::new(envfile).lines().collect(); assert!( envcontent .iter() .any(|s| s.as_ref().unwrap().starts_with("PSLINK_PORT=")), "Failed to find PSLINK_PORT in the generated .env file." ); assert!( envcontent .iter() .any(|s| s.as_ref().unwrap().starts_with("PSLINK_SECRET=")), "Failed to find PSLINK_SECRET in the generated .env file." ); assert!( !envcontent.iter().any(|s| { let r = s.as_ref().unwrap().contains("***SECRET***"); r }), "It seems that a censored secret was used in the .env file." ); assert!( envcontent.iter().any(|s| { let r = s.as_ref().unwrap().contains("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw"); r }), "The secret has not made it into the .env file!" ); let output = test_bin::get_test_bin("pslink") .args(&["generate-env"]) .current_dir(&tmp_dir) .output() .expect("Failed to start pslink"); let second_out = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout); assert!(!second_out.contains("secret")); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_migrate_database() { use std::io::Write; #[derive(serde::Serialize, Debug)] pub struct Count { pub number: i32, } let tmp_dir = tempdir::TempDir::new("pslink_test_env").expect("create temp dir"); // generate .env file let _output = test_bin::get_test_bin("pslink") .args(&["generate-env"]) .current_dir(&tmp_dir) .output() .expect("Failed generate .env"); // migrate the database let output = test_bin::get_test_bin("pslink") .args(&["migrate-database"]) .current_dir(&tmp_dir) .output() .expect("Failed to migrate the database"); println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout)); // check if the users table exists by counting the number of admins. let db_pool = sqlx::pool::Pool::::connect( &tmp_dir.path().join("links.db").display().to_string(), ) .await .expect("Error: Failed to connect to database!"); let num = sqlx::query_as!(Count, "select count(*) as number from users where role = 2") .fetch_one(&db_pool) .await .unwrap(); // initially no admin is present assert_eq!(num.number, 0, "Failed to create the database!"); // create a new admin let mut input = test_bin::get_test_bin("pslink") .args(&["create-admin"]) .current_dir(&tmp_dir) .stdin(std::process::Stdio::piped()) .stdout(std::process::Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .expect("Failed to migrate the database"); let mut procin = input.stdin.take().unwrap(); procin.write_all(b"test\n").unwrap(); procin.write_all(b"test@mail.test\n").unwrap(); procin.write_all(b"testpw\n").unwrap(); let r = input.wait().unwrap(); println!("Exitstatus is: {}", r); println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout)); let num = sqlx::query_as!(Count, "select count(*) as number from users where role = 2") .fetch_one(&db_pool) .await .unwrap(); // now 1 admin is there assert_eq!(num.number, 1, "Failed to create an admin!"); } struct RunningServer { server: Child, port: i32, } impl Drop for RunningServer { fn drop(&mut self) { self.server.kill().unwrap(); } } async fn run_server() -> RunningServer { use std::io::Write; use rand::thread_rng; use rand::Rng; #[derive(serde::Serialize, Debug)] pub struct Count { pub number: i32, } let mut rng = thread_rng(); let port = rng.gen_range(12000..20000); let tmp_dir = tempdir::TempDir::new("pslink_test_env").expect("create temp dir"); // generate .env file let _output = Command::cargo_bin("pslink") .expect("Failed to get binary executable") .args(&[ "generate-env", "--secret", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw", "--port", &port.to_string(), ]) .current_dir(&tmp_dir) .output() .expect("Failed generate .env"); // migrate the database let output = Command::cargo_bin("pslink") .unwrap() .args(&["migrate-database"]) .current_dir(&tmp_dir) .output() .expect("Failed to migrate the database"); // create a database connection. let db_pool = sqlx::pool::Pool::::connect( &tmp_dir.path().join("links.db").display().to_string(), ) .await .expect("Error: Failed to connect to database!"); // create a new admin let mut input = Command::cargo_bin("pslink") .unwrap() .args(&["create-admin"]) .current_dir(&tmp_dir) .stdin(std::process::Stdio::piped()) .stdout(std::process::Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .expect("Failed to migrate the database"); let mut procin = input.stdin.take().unwrap(); procin.write_all(b"test\n").unwrap(); procin.write_all(b"test@mail.test\n").unwrap(); procin.write_all(b"testpw\n").unwrap(); let r = input.wait().unwrap(); println!("Exitstatus is: {}", r); println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout)); let num = sqlx::query_as!(Count, "select count(*) as number from users where role = 2") .fetch_one(&db_pool) .await .unwrap(); // now 1 admin is there assert_eq!( num.number, 1, "Failed to create an admin! See previous tests!" ); let mut server = Command::cargo_bin("pslink") .unwrap() .args(&["runserver"]) .current_dir(&tmp_dir) .stdout(std::process::Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .unwrap(); // Wait until the server signals it is up and running. let mut sout = server.stdout.take().unwrap(); let mut buffer = [0; 15]; println!("Running the webserver for testing #############"); loop { let num = buffer[..]).unwrap(); println!("{}", num); let t = std::str::from_utf8(&buffer).unwrap(); println!("{:?}", std::str::from_utf8(&buffer)); if num > 0 && t.contains("/app") { break; } } RunningServer { server, port } } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_web_paths() { let server = run_server().await; // We need to bring in `reqwest` // to perform HTTP requests against our application. let client = reqwest::Client::builder() .cookie_store(true) .redirect(reqwest::redirect::Policy::none()) .build() .unwrap(); let base_url = "http://localhost:".to_string() + &server.port.to_string() + "/"; println!("{}", base_url); // Act let response = client .get(&base_url.clone()) .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request."); // The basic redirection is working! assert!(response.status().is_redirection()); let location = response.headers().get("location").unwrap(); assert!(location.to_str().unwrap().contains("github")); let app_url = base_url.clone() + "app/"; // Act let response = client .get(&app_url.clone()) .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request."); println!("{:?}", response); // The app page is reachable and contains the wasm file! assert!(response.status().is_success()); let content = response.text().await.unwrap(); assert!( content.contains(r#"init('/static/wasm/app_bg.wasm');"#), "The app page has unexpected content!" ); // Act let mut formdata = HashMap::new(); formdata.insert("username", "test"); formdata.insert("password", "testpw"); let response = client .post(&(base_url.clone() + "admin/json/login_user/")) .json(&formdata) .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request."); println!("Login response:\n {:?}", response); // It is possible to login assert!(response.status().is_success()); // Extract the cookie as it is not automatically saved for some reason. let cookie = { response .headers() .get("set-cookie") .expect("A auth cookie is not set even though authentication succeeds") .to_str() .unwrap() .split(';') .next() .unwrap() .to_string() }; println!("{:?}", cookie); assert!(cookie.starts_with("auth-cookie=")); let content = response.text().await.unwrap(); println!("Content: {:?}", content); assert!(content.contains(r#""id":1"#), "id missing in content"); let mut custom_headers = HeaderMap::new(); custom_headers.insert("content-type", "application/json".parse().unwrap()); custom_headers.insert("Cookie", cookie.parse().unwrap()); // After login this should return an empty list let query = client .post(&(base_url.clone() + "admin/json/list_links/")) .headers(custom_headers.clone()) .body(r#"{"filter":{"Code":{"sieve":""},"Description":{"sieve":""},"Target":{"sieve":""},"Author":{"sieve":""},"Statistics":{"sieve":""}},"order":null,"amount":20}"#).build().unwrap(); println!("{:?}", query); let response = client .execute(query) .await .expect("Failed to execute request."); println!("List urls response:\n {:?}", response); // Make sure the list was retrieved and the status codes are correct assert!(response.status().is_success()); // Make sure that the content is an empty list as until now no links were created. let content = response.text().await.unwrap(); println!("Content: {:?}", content); assert!(content.contains(r#"[]"#), "id missing in content"); // Create a link let query = client .post(&(base_url.clone() + "admin/json/create_link/")) .headers(custom_headers.clone()) .body(r#"{"edit":"Create","id":null,"title":"ein testlink","target":"","code":"test","author":0,"created_at":null}"#) .build() .unwrap(); println!("{:?}", query); let response = client .execute(query) .await .expect("Failed to execute request."); println!("List urls response:\n {:?}", response); // Make sure the status codes are correct assert!(response.status().is_success()); // Make sure that the content is a success message let content = response.text().await.unwrap(); println!("Content: {:?}", content); assert!( content.contains(r#""Success":"#), "Make sure the link creation response contains Success" ); // After inserting a link make sure the link is saved let query = client .post(&(base_url.clone() + "admin/json/list_links/")) .headers(custom_headers.clone()) .body(r#"{"filter":{"Code":{"sieve":""},"Description":{"sieve":""},"Target":{"sieve":""},"Author":{"sieve":""},"Statistics":{"sieve":""}},"order":null,"amount":20}"#).build().unwrap(); println!("{:?}", query); let response = client .execute(query) .await .expect("Failed to execute request."); println!("List urls response:\n {:?}", response); // Make sure the list was retrieved and the status codes are correct assert!(response.status().is_success()); // Make sure that the content now contains the newly created link let content = response.text().await.unwrap(); println!("Content: {:?}", content); assert!( content.contains(r#""target":"","code":"test""#), "the new target and the new code are not in the result" ); // Create a duplicate which should fail let query = client .post(&(base_url.clone() + "admin/json/create_link/")) .headers(custom_headers.clone()) .body(r#"{"edit":"Create","id":null,"title":"ein testlink","target":"","code":"test","author":0,"created_at":null}"#) .build() .unwrap(); println!("{:?}", query); let response = client .execute(query) .await .expect("Failed to execute request."); println!("List urls response:\n {:?}", response); // Make sure the status codes are correct assert!(response.status().is_server_error()); // Make sure that the content is a error message let content = response.text().await.unwrap(); println!("Content: {:?}", content); assert!( content.contains(r#"error"#), "Make sure the link creation response contains error" ); // Create a second link let query = client .post(&(base_url.clone() + "admin/json/create_link/")) .headers(custom_headers.clone()) .body(r#"{"edit":"Create","id":null,"title":"ein second testlink","target":"","code":"x","author":0,"created_at":null}"#) .build() .unwrap(); println!("{:?}", query); let response = client .execute(query) .await .expect("Failed to execute request."); println!("List urls response:\n {:?}", response); // Make sure the status codes are correct assert!(response.status().is_success()); // Make sure that the content is a success message let content = response.text().await.unwrap(); println!("Content: {:?}", content); assert!( content.contains(r#""Success":"#), "Make sure the link creation response contains Success" ); // After inserting a link make sure the link is saved let query = client .post(&(base_url.clone() + "admin/json/list_links/")) .headers(custom_headers.clone()) .body(r#"{"filter":{"Code":{"sieve":""},"Description":{"sieve":""},"Target":{"sieve":""},"Author":{"sieve":""},"Statistics":{"sieve":""}},"order":null,"amount":20}"#).build().unwrap(); println!("{:?}", query); let response = client .execute(query) .await .expect("Failed to execute request."); println!("List urls response:\n {:?}", response); // Make sure the list was retrieved and the status codes are correct assert!(response.status().is_success()); // Make sure that the content now contains the newly created link let content = response.text().await.unwrap(); println!("Content: {:?}", content); assert!( content.contains(r#""target":"","code":"x""#), "the new target and the new code are not in the result" ); assert!( content.contains(r#""target":"","code":"test""#), "the new target and the new code are not in the result" ); // After inserting two links make sure the filters work (searching for a description containing se) let query = client .post(&(base_url.clone() + "admin/json/list_links/")) .headers(custom_headers.clone()) .body(r#"{"filter":{"Code":{"sieve":""},"Description":{"sieve":"se"},"Target":{"sieve":""},"Author":{"sieve":""},"Statistics":{"sieve":""}},"order":null,"amount":20}"#).build().unwrap(); println!("{:?}", query); let response = client .execute(query) .await .expect("Failed to execute request."); println!("List urls response:\n {:?}", response); // Make sure the list was retrieved and the status codes are correct assert!(response.status().is_success()); // Make sure that the content now contains the newly created link let content = response.text().await.unwrap(); println!("Content: {:?}", content); // Code x should be in the result but not code test assert!( content.contains(r#""target":"","code":"x""#), "the new target and the new code are not in the result" ); assert!( !content.contains(r#""target":"","code":"test""#), "the new target and the new code are not in the result" ); // Make sure we are redirected correctly. let response = client .get(&(base_url.clone() + "test")) .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request."); // The basic redirection is working! assert!(response.status().is_redirection()); let location = response.headers().get("location").unwrap(); assert!(location .to_str() .unwrap() .contains("")); // And for the second link - also check that casing is correctly ignored let response = client .get(&(base_url.clone() + "X")) .send() .await .expect("Failed to execute request."); // The basic redirection is working! assert!(response.status().is_redirection()); let location = response.headers().get("location").unwrap(); assert!(location .to_str() .unwrap() .contains("")); drop(server); }