//! The admin interface of pslink. It communicates with the server mostly via https and json. pub mod i18n; pub mod navigation; pub mod pages; use pages::list_links; use pages::list_users; use seed::window; use seed::{attrs, button, div, input, label, log, prelude::*, App, Url, C}; use shared::apirequests::users::LoginUser; use shared::datatypes::Lang; use shared::datatypes::{Loadable, User}; use crate::i18n::I18n; // ------ ------ // Init // ------ ------ fn init(url: Url, orders: &mut impl Orders) -> Model { orders.subscribe(Msg::UrlChanged); orders.send_msg(Msg::GetLoggedUser); let lang = I18n::new(Lang::EnUS); Model { index: 0, location: Location::new(url.clone()), page: Page::init(url, orders, lang.clone()), i18n: lang, user: Loadable::Data(None), login_form: LoginForm::default(), login_data: LoginUser::default(), } } // ------ ------ // Model // ------ ------ #[derive(Debug)] struct Model { index: usize, location: Location, page: Page, i18n: i18n::I18n, user: Loadable, login_form: LoginForm, login_data: LoginUser, } impl Model { fn set_lang(&mut self, l: Lang) { self.i18n.set_lang(l); match &mut self.page { Page::Home(ref mut m) => m.set_lang(l), Page::ListUsers(ref mut m) => m.set_lang(l), Page::NotFound => (), } } } /// The input fields of the login dialog. #[derive(Default, Debug)] struct LoginForm { username: ElRef, password: ElRef, } /// All information regarding the current location #[derive(Debug)] struct Location { host: String, base_url: Url, current_url: Url, } impl Location { fn new(url: Url) -> Self { let host = get_host(); Self { host, base_url: Url::new().add_path_part("app"), current_url: url, } } } /// Get the url from the address bar. #[must_use] pub fn get_host() -> String { window() .location() .host() .expect("Failed to extract the host of the url") } /// The pages: /// * Home for listing of links /// * ListUsers for listing of users #[derive(Debug)] enum Page { Home(pages::list_links::Model), ListUsers(pages::list_users::Model), NotFound, } impl Page { fn init(mut url: Url, orders: &mut impl Orders, i18n: I18n) -> Self { log!(&url); url.next_path_part(); let result = match url.next_path_part() { None | Some("list_links") => Self::Home(pages::list_links::init( url, &mut orders.proxy(Msg::ListLinks), i18n, )), Some("list_users") => Self::ListUsers(pages::list_users::init( url, &mut orders.proxy(Msg::ListUsers), i18n, )), _other => Self::NotFound, }; orders.perform_cmd(async { // create request let request = Request::new("/admin/json/get_language/"); // perform and get response let response = unwrap_or_return!(fetch(request).await, Msg::NoMessage); // validate response status let response = unwrap_or_return!(response.check_status(), Msg::NoMessage); let lang: Lang = unwrap_or_return!(response.json().await, Msg::NoMessage); Msg::LanguageChanged(lang) }); log!("Page initialized"); result } } // ------ ------ // Update // ------ ------ /// The messages regarding authentication and settings. #[derive(Clone)] pub enum Msg { UrlChanged(subs::UrlChanged), ListLinks(list_links::Msg), ListUsers(list_users::Msg), GetLoggedUser, UserReceived(User), NoMessage, NotAuthenticated, Logout, Login, UsernameChanged(String), PasswordChanged(String), SetLanguage(Lang), LanguageChanged(Lang), } /// react to settings and authentication changes. fn update(msg: Msg, model: &mut Model, orders: &mut impl Orders) { match msg { Msg::UrlChanged(url) => { model.page = Page::init(url.0, orders, model.i18n.clone()); } Msg::ListLinks(msg) => { if let Page::Home(model) = &mut model.page { list_links::update(msg, model, &mut orders.proxy(Msg::ListLinks)) } } Msg::ListUsers(msg) => { if let Page::ListUsers(model) = &mut model.page { list_users::update(msg, model, &mut orders.proxy(Msg::ListUsers)) } } Msg::NoMessage => (), Msg::GetLoggedUser => { model.user = Loadable::Loading; orders.perform_cmd(async { // create request let request = unwrap_or_return!( Request::new("/admin/json/get_logged_user/") .method(Method::Post) .json(&()), Msg::Logout ); // perform and get response let response = unwrap_or_return!(fetch(request).await, Msg::Logout); // validate response status let response = unwrap_or_return!(response.check_status(), Msg::Logout); let user: User = unwrap_or_return!(response.json().await, Msg::Logout); Msg::UserReceived(user) }); } Msg::UserReceived(user) => { model.set_lang(user.language); model.user = Loadable::Data(Some(user)); model.page = Page::init( model.location.current_url.clone(), orders, model.i18n.clone(), ); } Msg::NotAuthenticated => { if model.user.is_some() { model.user = Loadable::Data(None); logout(orders) } model.user = Loadable::Data(None); } Msg::Logout => { model.user = Loadable::Data(None); logout(orders) } Msg::Login => login_user(model, orders), Msg::UsernameChanged(s) => model.login_data.username = s, Msg::PasswordChanged(s) => model.login_data.password = s, Msg::SetLanguage(l) => { change_language(l, orders); } Msg::LanguageChanged(l) => { log!("Changed Language", &l); model.set_lang(l); } } } /// switch the language fn change_language(l: Lang, orders: &mut impl Orders) { orders.perform_cmd(async move { // create request let request = unwrap_or_return!( Request::new("/admin/json/change_language/") .method(Method::Post) .json(&l), Msg::NoMessage ); // perform and get response let response = unwrap_or_return!(fetch(request).await, Msg::NoMessage); // validate response status let response = unwrap_or_return!(response.check_status(), Msg::NoMessage); let l: Lang = unwrap_or_return!(response.json().await, Msg::NoMessage); Msg::LanguageChanged(l) }); } /// logout on the server fn logout(orders: &mut impl Orders) { orders.perform_cmd(async { let request = Request::new("/admin/logout/"); unwrap_or_return!(fetch(request).await, Msg::GetLoggedUser); Msg::NotAuthenticated }); } /// login using username and password fn login_user(model: &mut Model, orders: &mut impl Orders) { model.user = Loadable::Loading; let data = model.login_data.clone(); orders.perform_cmd(async { let data = data; // create request let request = unwrap_or_return!( Request::new("/admin/json/login_user/") .method(Method::Post) .json(&data), Msg::NotAuthenticated ); // perform and get response let response = unwrap_or_return!(fetch(request).await, Msg::NotAuthenticated); // validate response status let response = unwrap_or_return!(response.check_status(), Msg::NotAuthenticated); let user: User = unwrap_or_return!(response.json().await, Msg::NotAuthenticated); Msg::UserReceived(user) }); } /// to create urls for different subpages pub struct Urls<'a> { base_url: std::borrow::Cow<'a, Url>, } impl<'a> Urls<'a> { /// Create a new `Urls` instance. /// /// # Example /// /// ```rust,no_run /// Urls::new(base_url).home() /// ``` pub fn new(base_url: impl Into>) -> Self { Self { base_url: base_url.into(), } } /// Return base `Url`. If `base_url` isn't owned, it will be cloned. /// /// # Example /// /// ```rust,no_run /// pub fn admin_urls(self) -> page::admin::Urls<'a> { /// page::admin::Urls::new(self.base_url().add_path_part(ADMIN)) /// } /// ``` #[must_use] pub fn base_url(self) -> Url { self.base_url.into_owned() } #[must_use] pub fn home(self) -> Url { self.base_url() } #[must_use] pub fn list_links(self) -> Url { self.base_url().add_path_part("list_links") } #[must_use] pub fn create_link(self) -> Url { self.list_links().add_path_part("create_link") } #[must_use] pub fn list_users(self) -> Url { self.base_url().add_path_part("list_users") } #[must_use] pub fn create_user(self) -> Url { self.list_users().add_path_part("create_user") } } // ------ ------ // View // ------ ------ /// Render the menu and the subpages. fn view(model: &Model) -> Node { div![ C!["page"], match model.user { Loadable::Data(Some(ref user)) => div![ navigation::navigation(&model.i18n, &model.location.base_url, user), view_content(&model.page, &model.location.base_url, user) ], Loadable::Data(None) => view_login(&model.i18n, model), Loadable::Loading => div![C!("lds-ellipsis"), div!(), div!(), div!(), div!()], } ] } /// Render the subpages. fn view_content(page: &Page, url: &Url, user: &User) -> Node { div![ C!["container"], match page { Page::Home(model) => pages::list_links::view(model, user).map_msg(Msg::ListLinks), Page::ListUsers(model) => pages::list_users::view(model, user).map_msg(Msg::ListUsers), Page::NotFound => div![div![url.to_string()], "Page not found!"], } ] } /// If not logged in render the login form fn view_login(lang: &I18n, model: &Model) -> Node { let t = move |key: &str| lang.translate(key, None); div![ C!["center", "login"], div![ label![t("username")], input![ input_ev(Ev::Input, |s| { Msg::UsernameChanged(s) }), attrs![ At::Type => "text", At::Placeholder => t("username"), At::Name => "username", At::Value => model.login_data.username], el_ref(&model.login_form.username) ] ], div![ label![t("password")], input![ input_ev(Ev::Input, |s| { Msg::PasswordChanged(s) }), attrs![ At::Type => "password", At::Placeholder => t("password"), At::Name => "password", At::Value => model.login_data.password], el_ref(&model.login_form.password) ] ], button![t("login"), ev(Ev::Click, |_| Msg::Login)] ] } // ------ ------ // Start // ------ ------ #[wasm_bindgen(start)] pub fn main() { App::start("app", init, update, view); }